Players will be matched to a team or allocated to a new team subject to availability and total registrations.
Competition Structure
Round robin tournament, teams guaranteed a minimum of 4 games
Top ranked teams will be seeded after pool games and progress to elimination finals
2 x 6 min halves per game
1 min half time interval
Teams to supply scorer
Scoring: Inner Zone = 1 point, Outer Zone = 2 points, Supershot = 3 points
Subs: Substitutions may be made during play as well as during stoppages and intervals. There is no limit to the number that can be made and more than one substitution may be made at anytime. Play will not be held for a substitution to be made.
Center Pass: Initial = Scissors/paper/rock, all other passes are taken by the team that did not score the last goal
There are five playing positions in each team whose playing areas are the same as in Netball: Goal Shooter (GS), Goal Attack (GA), Centre (C), Goal Defence (GD), Goal Keeper (GK)